Kemensah locate at Ulu Kelang, Ampang Jaya, Selangor. You may drive beside the Jalan Taman Zooview road heading to Kemensah ATV Adventure Park Kuala Lumpur. At ATV Adventure Park there have open car park area. RM5 will charge for the car parking. They also provide 2 simple toilet. The trail starts from the car park turning left to the road to Kemensah Recreational Park. After walk less than 500 meter at the right-hand side there is a junction to go to the jungle. The trail will take about 13km hiking back to the car parking area.
Opening hours: Always open
Contact: 012-327 0679
Fees: Camp site RM20/night
Chalet@KG (complete acomadation) RM180.00/per day
Chalet (including bed/pillow/fan) RM60.00/per day
Car parking RM5/per car
Entry fee for Adult RM5, Kids RM3
Cottage: RM30/night