This waterfall near along the Kemensah trail in Kemensah, Ampang Jaya has many names. It's known as Kubang Gajah Waterfall, which translates to “Elephant Waterhole”, as it was said to be where elephants used in construction were taken to cool off) as well as Sungai Ampang Waterfall and Kemensah Waterfall. The more recent name Sofea Jane Waterfall comes from the local actress Sofea Jane, who went for a swim at the waterfall in a scene in the movie Perempuan, Isteri dan Jalang (Woman, Wife and Slut/Bitch). The water cascades over a wide rock platform which there is not a swimming hole, but there are some natural water holes a bit further downstream.
How to get there: Trail from ATV Adventure Park in Kampung Kemensah, 68000 (Selangor)
Walking distance to waterfall: 10km (return)
Duration: 2-3 hours
Grade: Easy/Moderate
Type of waterfall: Cascade
Waterfall Rating: 3/5
Height of falls: 30m